Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year - 2012

We rang in the new year in Portland.  Mom arrived from the east coast at 10:36 pm, by the time we got home from the airport it was midnight and the start to 2012.  On Sunday we headed to the coast for 10 days of gazing at the ocean!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

James Taylor and Carole King

We celebrated our 33rd anniversary with a concert in Kansas City.  James Taylor and Carole King are still as good as ever. They played for just over 2 hours and sang a lot of my favorites!!!  Check out his site and see if they are coming your way -

Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby Blue birds

We have lots of blue birds in the neighborhood and the babies are being fledged this week.  Our two kitties are very interested!!!  they will be grounded to the house for the weekend so that the little ones can learn to fly and have a chance to get away!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How did it get to April??

I had great intentions to blog some, make art more and I don't seem to have gotten to either!! We had snow a week and a half ago and now we are at 80 and very windy. The pollen count has shot up and allergies are at an irritating high.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Almost Thanksgiving

It's to be our first Thanksgiving in our house. Pat will bring the pies and rolls. Betsy will do a yummy sweet potato dish and the toppings for the pies. I am going to cook the turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and stuffing. We will definitely over eat and love every minute and be glad we are together.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Kitties

We decided after 2 1/2 years without a cat to take the plunge and add two kittens to the family. I went out to the Lawrence Humane Society and was faced with choosing from 3 rooms of kittens and cats. It was a hard task because I fell in love with so many of them!! In the end we chose a brother and sister who are 5 months old. the boy-tabby on tip- is Pica and the girl -calico on top- is Pixel. they are full of energy and make us laugh at all of the funny things they do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

While at my mother-in-laws house today I got the treat of a cedar waxwing on the birdbath. The are beautiful birds with their mask. The robins have been striping the berry bushes outside her bedroom. they are being very messy eaters.